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A Synergistic Approach to Physician Wellness

Anatomical Model



  • term derived from Greek/Latin root physic,

  • meaning the nature/science of matter/energy

  • physic is also the root of: physical fitness, physics



  • term derived from Latin root doc,

  • meaning teacher

  • doc is also the root of: doctrine, document​



Physicians turn towards those who are sick and disabled offering treatment, support, and guidance.  We take care of others, but how are we taking care our selves and each other?  

Portrait of a Doctor


burned out at any point in career: 92%

burned out now: 62%

sought professional help: 15%

ever contemplated quitting medicine: 76%

~ Medical Economics 2023


Desk with Stethoscope


The impact of social support on health is evident from the beginning of life.  Infants in the state-of-the art most technologically advanced sterile environment often succumb to failure to thrive without being held by another human.  As physicians, we are extensively trained in the science of medicine.  In the 1950s, psychoanalysts Enid and Michael Balint founded Balint physician support groups -- now in several medical schools and residency training programs.​


Scripps Mercy Physician Survey 2024

Research created and conducted by

Johnna Gemelos, Chair of Physician Well-Being Committee

in cooperation with Kathy Farris, Director of Medical Staff Services 

51 physician respondents

  • wish they had more time to talk with colleagues about difficult encounters: 92% (always/often 46%)

  • believe a dedicated space and time is beneficial: 71%

  • prefer a physician led support group: 63%

Scripps Mercy Hospital
in conjunction with it's Well Being Committee presents...


a healing circle led by physicians for physicians


Heal the Healer circle is a professional, confidential, and non-judgmental forum for physicians to support and learn from each other.



Heal the Healer is an alliance that brings physicians together, providing an opportunity for empathy and compassion.  Empathy is being in on and sensing another's emotional path.  Compassion is being together to pass/feel.  In medicine, the stakes may be high and the emotions may run strong.  Propinquity refers to proximity promoting intimacy and greater connection; closeness brings closeness.  Heal the Healer circle facilitates reduction of dis-ease and promotion of emotional/physical wellness.  Difficult situations may be discussed, perhaps for empathy, perhaps to reframe, perhaps to bestow the gift of wisdom from an adverse event, perhaps to mastermind (creatively leverage the power of collective intelligence).  This circle is non-judgmental, non-punitive, and provides the opportunity to communicate, cooperate, and collaborate.  Continuous Quality Improvement embraces life-long learning in an evolving system.  Principles of Mindfulness will be implemented.





Initially, the forum will be open only to Scripps attending physicians.  (We are hoping to expand this.)




In Person:

odd months 2nd Wednesday, breakfast club 7-8AM

Scripps Mercy Hospital: San Diego

Guest Dining Room (between cafeteria and Behavioral Health Unit)

(start 11 Sep 2024, next 13 Nov 2024) ​​


Virtual + In Person:

even months 3rd Thursday, lunch club, noon-1PM

E-mail for meeting links

Scripps Mercy Hospital: Chula Vista


(start 17 Oct 2024)



Confidentiality is of utmost importance to create a safe space.  Each member must wear their Scripps photo identification badge to the meeting or, in the case of online, a link sent to Scripps E-mail with requirement of video participation.  No recording of the meeting is permitted.  A confidentiality oath will be read at the start of each session and agreement of confidentiality by all will be confirmed verbally prior to participation.  Identifying patient information should not be disclosed.  CA Ev Code §1157 (2023) indicates that these discussions promoting quality of care are not subject to discovery.



For In Person sessions, the participants will sit around in a circle facing one another; the first 5 minutes will include breathing/stretching (standing/seated).  For Virtual, both audio and video are required (so participants feel safe and receive kinesthetic empathy).  Each physician will go around the circle and briefly "check in" with the group.  Any aspect of the science and/or art of medicine or aspect of the physicians' well-being may be discussed.



Heal the Healer is live and dynamic forum which mitigates physician burnout and advocates physician well-being in action.  The benefits of Heal the Healer are collaborative (win/win) and synergistic (WIN/WIN/WIN), promoting physician well being and patient care.  Physical and emotional bridges are strengthened -- fostering comradery and boosting morale.

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