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Aviation Medical Examiner


designated by the 

Federal Aviation Administration






Early in aviation history, most fatalities were the result of airmen who were unfit.  The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) developed medical standards in order for airmen to receive certification.  The enactment of collaborative safeguards has ensured that overall crash risk of driving a car exceeds that of flying an airplane.


Flight affects our physiology.  Rising above the atmosphere, the air gets "thin".  With high altitude, there is a drop in atmospheric pressure, including a drop in the partial pressure of oxygen resulting in hypoxia.  This is nearly completely corrected with cabin pressurization.  Pressure changes may cause trapped gas to expand/contract in body cavities such as ear, sinus, and gastrointestinal system.  Since the air expands as you go up, you may want to visit the toilet before departure (reduces the risk of a farty party in the cockpit).  Upon descent, the pressurization may collapse air in the eustachian tubes (connects your ears to the back of your throat) with relief by "popping" your ears open via yawning (opens the angle of eustachian tube) or pinching your nose and blowing out.  Decompression sickness may occur with rapid unpressurized ascent causing nitrogen gas to form bubbles potentially causing "the bends" pain bending you over in body aches (use caution from SCUBA diving to flying).  Higher altitude provides exposure to higher level of UltraViolet rays.  Despite these risks, the lifespan of airmen exceeds that of the general population.  This due to overall good habits of airmen combined with medical regulations of the FAA.



A civilian doctor who is designated by the FAA to issue medical certification is called an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME).  AMEs are required to maintain board certification in their specialty, take an intensive course at FAA headquarters in Oklahoma City, take aviation continuing medical education courses, and pass tests to maintain qualification.  Our doctor is a senior AME.


Highway to the safety zone. 


Gonna take you right into the safety zone...  ♬♬♩♩♩♩♫♩

Top Doc.jpg


1st Class:  New Patient $400, Established Patient $250

2nd Class:  New Patient $300, Established Patient $200

3rd Class:   New Patient $200, Established Patient $150

ALL CLASSES INCLUDE: urine test, any color vision test (we have the Waggoner color vision test approved by FAA), any ElectroCardioGram, any Conditions AMEs Can Issue (CACI), and any Special Issuance

NEW COLOR VISION STANDARD: If you have previously passed the FAA approved color vision test then you do not need another test.  If you have never passed an FAA color vision test then you will need to get one (can get one at Wal-Mart Optometry).

The FAA medical exam is a regulatory exam, not a Wellness exam, however as a thank you we offer you a Wellness exam complimentary for your optimal health.  Metaphorically, the FAA exam is compared to a smog check and the maintenance / oil change is compared to a Wellness check.  It is recommended that you have a Wellness exam with your PCP, whoever that is.


We charge upfront.  We bill most PPO health plans on your behalf; 99% of those with PPO plans who get a Wellness exam here will receive a refund and many others do anyway depending on insurance planMost major commercial airlines reimburse you --  American Airlines, Delta Airlines, and Southwest Airlines reimburse you $400+ for the first exam of the year and $250 for the 2nd exam of the year.  We provide receipts in all cases, including for employer reimbursement and tax deduction.


Please complete MedXpress and note Confirmation # (IT Support: 1.844.FAA.MyIT = 844.322.6948).  At the time of appointment scheduling, please provide your Confirmation #.  It is best to schedule an appointment 3-4 weeks ahead of your certification expiration date in case you need visual corrective lenses, blood pressure treatment, etcetera.  If you have any medical issues, bring in all pertinent documents.


  • any visual corrective lenses

  • any hearing aids

  • any chronic condition treating physician report within 90 days


Continue your usual nutrition and medication.  Wearing a short sleeve shirt and 2 piece outfit is helpful, but not required.


We can usually accommodate you within 2 business days.


The two most common reasons we defer to the FAA is vision and cannabis.  If you do not meet the vision standards at the time of the exam, click here to help remedy this situation within 14 days and avoid deferral.)  Cannabis is strictly prohibited at all times by the FAA and is also reportable by anyone to the FAA.  If we ask for additional information from you, please submit it to us within 14 days to expedite your certification.  To date, we have not denied any certifications.

Length of Time Certificate is Valid


Summary of FAA Medical Standards

AIRMAN HELP: medical program analyst for Western Pacific region: 424.405.7620

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